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MapKIT Workshop 2022: Internet Measurements & Social Sciences; Insights on the Russia - Ukraine Conflict

On July 27th-28th, 2022, the Internet Intelligence Lab @ Georgia Tech hosted an invitation-only workshop on interdisciplinary research involving Internet measurements and social sciences. This workshop was sponsored by our NSF-funded MapKIT (Mapping Key Internet Terrain) project. Day 1 focused on research topics that touch on Internet measurements, geographic information, and security. Day 2 focused specifically on Internet and infrastructure characterizations in Ukraine. For both days, emphasis was on discussion during and between talks (asking questions, providing feedback or possible future directions, brainstorming, …) with a fluid agenda.


(Times are tentative)

Day 1 - Wednesday July 27th - Virtual attendance

Day 2 - Thursday July 28th - Virtual attendance



MapKIT Principal Investigators: Alberto Dainotti (Georgia Tech, formerly CAIDA, UC San Diego), Paul Barford (University of Wisconsin Madison), Amogh Dhamdhere (former PI when at CAIDA, UC San Diego)

For information email dainotti AT gatech DOT edu or pb AT cs DOT wisc DOT edu


Funding sources: NSF CNS-1705024 / 2202288 and CNS-1703592 Period of performance: August 1, 2017 - July 31, 2022.